Don't take it personally, but It wouldn't even phase me to pack up in the middle of the night and never come back. To quit my job without notice, drop out of school, not say bye... I have no shame. Ive never been a good liar, so to say i wouldnt miss my family is a pretty big lie. I guess I can't run from all my problems, so I'll stick around for a little longer. I hate when certain people call me, I don't want anything to do with them and they just continually try to talk to me.. I mean really, just save yourself some dignity and leave me alone when I ask. I guess I could blame my parents for my lack of trust in relationships or lack of motivation for commitment... Or I can blame crazy ex's. He says my parents repeatedly getting married and divorced is why ... Or, maybe it's because people are controlling and overbearing. My life is pretty great right now though. I guess I shouldn't complain!! Well, that's enough of me complaining...
School started just as the calendar showed, I secretly was wishing there was some sort of typo and school would there for have to be delayed for a few more weeks, or months.. I'd take either or! I'm doing all my classes online. They're rather easy, just... I need to get into the habit of studying more. Ive had this insane craving for sushi, I even caught myself daydreaming about it... Who the heck daydreams about food? Semi skinny Asian girls do, I guess... (;
Parker moved into my room... But my rent went down to 140 so I'm not complaining. Im not home very often, but having roommates has helped me a lot. For the longest time I was pretty much the only child at home, so this is good experience for me hah.
Well, I've ran out of things to talk about, and I've sadly ran out of things to aid in my procrastination of my physiology homework.. So I guess the only option from here is...... Do my dang homework!